Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Success as a Function of Chance and HARDWORK

Every time I learn of successful personalities, I can't help envying them. I envy them for achieving high in their field of interest, while many with similar aspiration fail in their endeavor.

I assume that many of you think the same way as I do. We always tend to focus on these persons' glorious sides and forget to look at the whole picture. We leave the struggles they had undergone before succeeding out of the picture. They have worked hard to earn their success.

Reading Malcolm Gladwell's book "Outliers" reminds me of the importance of hardwork. He mentions of the 10,000 hour rule,of the need to spend 10,000 hours before it is sufficient to excel in a specific field. 10,000 hours, an unbelievably huge amount of time.

Gladwell emphasizes that we owe our success to the opportunities that come our way. I agree with him, but I believe that opportunity without hardwork would still result in failure. As one would recall,in his book "The Drunkard's Walk," Leonard Mlodinow writes:

"Since chance does play a role, one important factor in success is under our control: the number of at bats, the number of chances taken, the number of opportunities seized."

At this point, you may be moved by the power of hardwork. But I tell you, there is a gap between acknowledging the importance of hardwork and actually exercising it. As one of my teachers in college said, one remains a "potential" until he finally takes action.

Friday, October 22, 2010


好像是我看过题材最为严肃,沉重的电视连续剧,但不失为一部好戏。它带领观众进入医疗界的另一面。表面上伟大的医师工作,背后却进行着一场激烈的权利斗争。正当每一个医师努力着往高处爬,计划着如何除掉挡在前面的人,他们也渐渐地忘记了作为医师的意义为何 — 给予病人希望。 在现实生活中,你是否也因某种“权利”的诱惑而看不清你生命中最为重要,有意义的事呢?别忘了,就如剧中所说的,看似重要的最终也会变得不重要。

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God Almighty

Visited my brother's blog and learned about this song entitled 5 loaves and 2 fishes. It reminded me of God's greatness. It gave me this feeling that I could do everything with the help of God Almighty. I always feel like crying every time I hear such messages; however, there seems something stopping me from putting my trust in Him. How about you? Would you entrust your 5 loaves and 2 fishes to Him?

"Take my five loaves and two fishes. Do with it as you will. I surrender."

Want to share this song with you. Visit my brother's blog at http://jan-jans-thoughts.blogspot.com/

Saturday, October 9, 2010



