Monday, March 28, 2011

I Love Art!!!

I proudly present the visuals* I made for a Bible lesson:

This is a story about faith.

A man is riding a boat.

The boat falls off a waterfall.

He is able to hang on to a wooden log.

Someone throws a life saver at his direction. He lets go of the wood and goes for the life saver. This scene actually symbolizes faith: the man chooses to put his trust on God (life saver) rather than relying on his own (wood).

It has been a while since the last time I painted (with the exception of Chinese painting) and it felt good. Never did I feel as confident, as delighted, as enthusiastic. Art is my second passion, next to mathematics.

*Drawings patterned after google pics.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



还在读书的时候,常想,我一定要进一家有名的公司,怎样怎样... 但原来这只是我想对别人证明自己的价值而做的梦想。毕业以后我才慢慢发现,也许我真正想要的只是一个简单普通的生活。成功的定义并不是来自于你有多大的成就,来自于别人对你的评价,而是来自于你自己:你快乐吗?
